At Tapion Tupa, along road 8, we have a com­for­table cara­van area open all year round. You are welco­me to stop by or stay lon­ger. We have sea­so­nal sites for both win­ter and summer.


SFC-mem­ber: 26,50 €/day
Non-mem­ber: 28,50 €/day
Elect­rici­ty: 7,40 € /day

We do not char­ge a sepa­ra­te per­son fee

No advance reser­va­tions for the cara­van area.

In the sum­mer, next to the cara­van area is loca­ted the Tapio­land inland swim­ming pool. The tic­kets can be purc­ha­sed at the gate for 7,70 eur/person, incl. sau­na and swim­ming. The tic­ket is valid all day.

Tic­ket pac­ka­ges are also available.